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From summit to solution: Explore SimCorp One and our open ecosystem 


Anders Kirkeby
VP Open Innovation

Aligning our partner ecosystem with your investment priorities

2024 marks a significant milestone for SimCorp, as we move beyond our first 50 years in business and enter a new operating reality for the global buy side. We launched SimCorp One our new flagship integrated platform, managing over USD 35 trillion assets globally. We integrated Axioma’s market-leading portfolio optimization and risk management analytics into our platform. And we held our biggest ever SimCorp Global Summit, where we welcomed over 1,100 attendees and demonstrated how we enable firms to navigate and thrive in this new era. 

With SimCorp One, we are accelerating our response to a fast-evolving market, as we continue to help our clients navigate market complexities and meet growing investor demands. We recognize that aside from empowering the right investment decisions, we can leverage our established best practices to deliver much more; guiding on the choice of operating model, through to optimizing technology investment and operational execution.  

Here, we unpack what SimCorp One means for enhancing our open ecosystem and how it aligns to the priorities that you’ve told us are key to complementing your existing investment and delivering the future outcomes you want to achieve. 

Introducing a new era of optionality and innovation

The days of best-of-breed versus enterprise platform are truly over. While we will not compromise on our core delivery, we know there is a mass of best-of-breed investment management functionality that we can pull into the SimCorp One platform, to give our clients the best of both worlds and achieve desired outcomes faster. Whether the goal is greater automation, competitive differentiation, onboarding new asset classes and strategies or creating new revenue streams.  

Put simply, SimCorp One expands our clients’ opportunities to adopt innovation with minimal effort and in turn unlocks the potential for better decision making. By delivering even more enterprise value, we enable:  

  • Increased agility and clarity to pivot in response to market events 
  • Access to innovation with a fast time to value, minimal up-front investment and lower vendor lock-in 
  • Enhanced user experience – adopting complementary vendors within a front to back platform  

How this works in practice

Our partner ecosystem enables us to tap into wider innovation in the market and leverage experts focused on solving niche problems. We can cater to our clients’ evolving needs, at their desired pace, whether that is augmented investment workflows, seamless access to a diverse range of data sets, or tackling fragmented post trade processing, to name just a few scenarios. 

With openness and innovation at the core of SimCorp One, we evaluate the market and develop curated partnerships that we believe will best enhance our clients’ operational landscape, with minimal added complexity. An example of this is the number of standard pre-integrations we’ve introduced across our partner ecosystem, from data and market infrastructure to channel and custodian partners.  

With built-in ETL tools and APIs, we offer the most comprehensive and secure, yet open, enterprise platform in the market. We want to lower the effort and time required to deliver your desired outcomes, which is why we’ve taken the load off you. Our standard integrations to partner solutions can be leveraged now, including additional workflow support, new standards and continuous testing. This means you can free up your resources, without the need for data mapping, technical effort and all that boring maintenance.  

Why is this important? For one, it reduces vendor risk and lock-in, secondly, it costs less and sometimes nothing at all, and thirdly, it gives you vital time back.  

SimCorp Global Summit: We asked, you said

So where do you start? During the SimCorp Global Summit, we ran a poll where we asked attendees to rank, in order of priority, the areas where you would most like to complement your SimCorp solutions and services, with additional vendors. 

Here are the results of that poll: 

  1. AI for efficiency 
  2. ESG reporting and analysis 
  3. Trade execution and connectivity 
  4. Regulatory compliance and reporting 
  5. Additional data vendors  
  6. Private markets  

Often, investment managers stall on innovation adoption because of too much choice, or not knowing where to begin the search. Interestingly, between SimCorp and our current partners, we share over 100 mutual customers already, illustrating the plentiful opportunities within reach. Opportunities that are available within a vetted ecosystem, with lower-cost access and without compromising on choice.  

Looking at the above priorities you listed, we’ve included a flavor of some of the many solutions, which we are collaborating with external vendors on today.

What about non-investment alpha? 

We’ve summarized just six investment priorities of many, where we are working hard to deliver faster and safer access to innovation for you. Interestingly one area I can’t leave without mentioning, especially as it came almost bottom of the list, is non-investment alpha. Hiding in plain sight, many of you may be unaware of the opportunities to reclaim funds you are already entitled to.  

Which is why we have teamed up with two recovery service specialist partners, Battea and WTax, who are already helping clients to maximize non-investment alpha generation e.g. tapping into USD 17bn currently available in class action settlement funds and reclaiming withholding tax more efficiently across geographies.  

Most clients already have solutions in place for these areas, however we notice that most of the solutions and services deployed still leave a lot of unclaimed money on the table. Not only is that a problem from a fiduciary duty point of view, it also means you lose out on free basis points of additional investment performance since both partners operate on a success fee basis. 

If you’d like to learn more about our existing partnerships, or explore future innovation use cases with us, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager, or reach out to our Partnerships team here.

SimCorp One expands our clients’ opportunities to adopt innovation with minimal effort and in turn unlocks the potential for better decision making.

Anders Kirkeby 

VP Open Innovation, SimCorp


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